RYA VHF Radio Course (Short Range Certificate)


RYA-Training-Centre-Tick-Logo.pngThe RYA VHF Radio Course or (SRC) authorises the holder to operate a VHF radio fitted with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) on board any British vessel which is fitted with a VHF radio. Today All new VHF fixed sets are either fitted, or can be interfaced, with DSC allowing calls to specific vessels. If you hold the ‘old’ VHF licence (pre-1999) you need to upgrade to this qualification if you purchase new equipment.

A radio is an important piece of safety equipment on board and it is vital to understand the correct procedures to avoid clogging up the airwaves with unnecessary transmissions, which could block out a Mayday distress call.  If you own a marine VHF radio, hand held or fixed on the boat, you are required by law to hold an operator’s licence.

The RYA Short Range Certificate course is now in line with other European countries as per the rules and regulations under CEPT (The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations). This means the training has gone up to 10 hours with separate examination making the classroom based course longer in duration. We would expect you to have completed 3 hours of home study using the VHF Radio Handbook G31 Prior to attending the course.

Background information on the GMDSS system and its equipment and licensing requirements

Using VHF radio simulators you will be coached through the course by one of our knowledgeable VHF instructors who will get you prepared for the exam, which is conducted by an independent RYA Assessor at the end of the course. It is advisable that you learn the phonetic alphabet and have a good understanding of the Mayday procedures before commencing this course.

What’s included?

  • First Class tuition & exam
  • RYA VHF Handbook – posted to you when you book on.
  • Tea and coffee (courses at Jetstream Training only)
  • Parking

Course Syllabus

  • Radio rules and regulations
  • Operation of marine VHF equipment includingb DSC functions
  • The phonetic alphabet
  • Basic radio language and protocols including pro words such as over, say again, out etc.
  • Correct use of the various channels
  • How to make calls to other stations
  • How to send a Distress Alert and Distress Message (Mayday)
  • How to send an urgency alert and a safety call.

Course fee

£100 per person (plus £70)

Please be aware the course fee does not include the licence fee - this is an addtional £70 payable directly to the RYA along with a passport photo for your licence.

Click here to read our terms and conditions specific to all our courses.