RYA-Training-Centre-Tick-Logo.pngJetstream Training is a new training centre set up in Medway as alongside of our growing business, Jetstream Tours, which works with passenger boats and RIB's on the Rier Thames and Medway. Our vessels based on the Medway have been offering services from Sightseeing, commuters services and experience rides using a range of vessels including Jetboats, RIB's and Class V and VI passenger vessels.


We feel that our experiences can offer so much more when we are able to share and teach our knowledge to our commiunity. Jetstream Training therfore opens up a route for anyone looking to get out on the water aboard powerboats. 


Choosing the right course can sometimes be difficult. Jetstream Tours prides itself in providing the right training course for you. We can help guide you to where you want to be, click on the links below to find out more about our courses, call us or drop us an email on training@jestreamtours.com . 



Where are we located?


Our Courses are based in the Medway Towns. We run most from Strood and Chatham but also can opreate from Queenborough or any customer based location within the South East. If you'd like a bespoke group or own boat course please email us at training@jestreamtours.com or fill in our contact us form. 

Click here to read our terms and conditions specific to all our courses.